
Pursuant to art. 13 GDPR (U.E. Regulation no. 679/2016), the following information is provided, in accordance with the principle of transparency, in order to make the user aware of the characteristics and methods of data processing:

a) Identity and contact details
We inform you that the "Data Controller" is the legal representative of Servizi di Riviera S.p.A. address

b) Contact details of the data protection officer (DPO)
We inform you that Servizi di Riviera has designated, pursuant to art. 37 GDPR the person in charge of the processing of personal data (Data protection officer) who can be contacted through:
- email address: Dr. Serafino Oscarino Email: Pec:

c) Purpose of the processing and legal basis
The processing of the data requested from the interested party is carried out pursuant to art. 6, lett. e) of the EU regulation 2016/679 for the sole fulfillment of the sending of the communication to the Housing Portal of the P.S.

d) Recipients and any categories of recipients of personal data
The data is processed within the offices of Servizi di Riviera S.p.A. by authorized subjects of data processing under the responsibility of the Data Controller for the purposes indicated in point c)

e) Data transfer to third country
We inform you that the owner does not intend to transfer the data to a third country

f) Data retention period
The data is kept for the time necessary for communication to the P.S.

g) Complaint
The interested party is informed that he has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority and can contact the PRIVACY GUARANTOR.
For further information, consult the institutional website of the Privacy Guarantor

h) Data communications
We inform you that the communication of personal data is a legal obligation as specified in point c)

i) Provision of data
The interested party is obliged to provide the data as necessary for legal compliance. Failure to provide the data will not allow the interested party to park in the Servizi di Riviera parking area.

j) Different purpose of the treatment
The data controller does not intend to further process personal data for a purpose other than that specified in point c)

k) Profiling
The owner does not use automated processes aimed at profiling.